Human resource management
Human resource management
- Sustainability
- Our priorities
- Human resource management
Enhancing fulfillment among diverse human resources to improve organizational capacity and drive innovation
Creativity rooted in diverse perspectives is essential for the sustainable growth of the Group. By realizing diversity and constantly striving to create opportunities for better health and education and a broader range of experiences for all employees, we can enhance employee fulfillment, thereby increasing organizational capacity and driving innovation at all points along the value chain.
Shared values
- Improve employee fulfillment by providing work environments and systems that enable diverse human resources to fully demonstrate their abilities.
- Create a corporate culture where the human rights of all employees are respected and where employees can flourish as members of the Group.
- Develop an effective management system to ensure the Group remains trusted by all stakeholders.
CSV goals for FY2030 (major KPIs)

Resonance with the Group’s philosophy and vision
Increase in the empathy index for the Group’s Corporate Philosophy and Vision 2030*1
Establish robust human resource capacity
Maintain and expand annual training and education expenditure per full-time employee as a proactive investment in human resource development
Active participation by diverse human resources
Expansion of employees’ pursuit and sense of growth through work*2
Active participation by diverse human resources
Increase in diversity of employees (Increase in the ratio of women occupying management positions*3)
Evolution into organizational culture that creates innovation
Increase in percentage of employees who feel fulfilled at work*4[Reference: Non-consolidated Company] 80%
- *1
- The aim is for everyone in the Group to take action proactively while resonating with and having pride in the Group’s philosophy, vision, and corporate value. (Proper targets will be set after surveys in FY2024)
- *2
- The aim is for employees to be motivated to grow and feel growth through their work. (Proper targets will be set after surveys in FY2024)
- *3
- Non-consolidated Company, as of April 1 of the following fiscal year
- *4
- The aim is to foster a pioneering organizational culture in which employees who feel fulfilled at work engage in innovative communication and co-creation inside and outside the Company. (Proper targets will be set after surveys in FY2024)
We have established a vision for 2030—to be an energetic, outstanding group that continues to create new value of good flavor, health, and beauty on a global stage—and identified human resource-related materiality and completely revised our CSV targets for realizing the vision. Regarding the FY2023 targets of establishing a foundation for DX promotion and cultivating global human resources, everyone in the entire company participated in digital literacy training, and training programs were conducted for globally registered human resources. Many of those people were assigned to global operations.
Social environment and issues
- As labor shortages rooted in the declining working-age population become increasingly apparent in Japan, women, elderly people, and foreign nationals will play more active roles in society.
- Digital technology will continue to develop as the evolution of AI and IoT progress.
Impact on the Group ▲: Risk ●: Opportunity
- ▲ The inability to secure sufficient human resources to ensure both quality and quantity hinders growth and threatens the sustainability of the Group.
- ▲ As employees adopt more diverse values, reputational risks will increase if human rights are not fully taken into consideration.
- ● Digital technology can be used to improve productivity and create new business opportunities.
- ● Active participation by diverse human resources can create innovation.
Specific efforts to resolve issues
- Establishing environments that embrace the diverse human resources needed to create value for the Group, and employees engaging in development-oriented communication with each other to create fertile ground for innovation.
- Strengthening diversity in management positions to include a broad range of perspectives in decision-making, and systematically conducting education toward this end.
- Striving to improve the literacy of the entire Group in lipid nutrition, the environment, and data to achieve the goals of Vision 2030.
- Enhancing communication between management and employees, and promoting smart work and the like to facilitate work, enhance fulfillment, and improve engagement.
- Promoting education on human rights and an attitude of respect for human rights in all business operations.
- Instilling the Group’s vision and values to enhance a Groupwide sense of unity by clarifying the direction the Group should take and its values.
- Strengthening the governance structure for business strategies and operations to realize Vision 2030.
- Continuing to aggressively invest in human capital, with particular emphasis on education for human resources who promote global business.